Minggu, 01 April 2012

The Original Dance Indonesian

1. Saman Dance

 Saman dance is a tribal dance Gayo (Gayo Lues) is usually displayed to cebrateimportant evens in custom. Saman Dance uses poetry in Arabic and Gayo. In addition to the usual dance is also displayed to celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW. In some literature states Saman dance in Aceh was founded and developed by Shaikh Saman, a cleric who comes from the Gayo in Aceh Tenggara. Saman dance Representative List by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage in the Human-sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of Cultural Hertage UNESCO No item in Bali, 24 November 2011.

2. Kecak Dance

Kecak (pronunciation: /  'ke.tʃak /,  roughly "KEH-chank", alternative spelling: Ketjak, Ketjack, and armpits), is typical of Balinese performing arts created in the 1930s and is played primarily by men. This dance is performed by many (tens or more) male dancers who sit in rows in a circle and with a certain rhthm called "cak" and raised both arms, depicting the Ramayana as the line of monkeys help Rama against Ravana. However, the Kecak originated from the ritual sanghyang, the dancers dance traditions will be in an unconscious condition, to communicate with God or the spiritsof the ancestors and then convey their expectations to the public.

The dancers are sitting in a circle is wearing a plaid fabric like a chessboard around their waist. Besides the dancers, there are other dancers who portray the characters of Ramayana like Rama, Shinta, Ravana, Hanuman, and Sugriva.

Kecak dance songs taken from the ritual dances sanghyang. In addition, don't use musical instrument. Only used kincringan worn on the feet of dancers who portray the characters of Ramayana.

Around the 1930s, Wayan Limbak worked with German painter Walter Spies to Create the Kecak dance Sanghyang traditions and parts of the story of Ramayana. Wayan Limbak popularizing this dance while traveling the world with his troupe of Balinese dancers.

3. Tor Tor Dance

Profan (tor tor) dance social dance is usually young people who danced at the party happy. Tor tor there who danced at the wedding. Usually danced by the audince, including the bride and also the young people. This youth dance, for example morah-morah, parakut, sipajok, plate-plate and kebangkiung often. Dance magis dance Tor tor nasiaran example, a single panaluan Tor tor. Magical dance is usually performed with a full solemn.

4. Jaipongan

This dance was created by an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira, circa the 1960s, with the aim of cretaing an association of music and dance were excavated from the wealth of folk art traditions of the archipelago, particularly in west Java. Although the art of dance including a relatively new creations, jaipongan developed based on folk art that has been developed previosly, such as Tap Tilu, Kliningan, and Ronggeng. Gumbira attention on folk art tilu Tap one of them is making Treasury know and know ver well the patterms of dance traditions that exist in Kliningan / Bajidoran or Tap Tilu. Opening movements, pecungan, and several kinds of motion nibakeun mincid of some art was the inspiration for developing the arts jaipongan.

5. Kuda Lumping

Also called a "Kuda Lumping"  or Jathilan braid is a traditional Javanese dance show was a group of soldier son horseback. This dance is to use a horse made of wicker and bamboo which is cut like the shape of a horse. Matting the horse is decorated with color full paint and fabric. Lumping Horse ( Kuda Lumping ) dance usually only contain scenes of soldiers on horses, but some also presents the appearance of horses lumping attraction processed, immune, and magical powers, like eating glass and attractions immunity against flogging whip.  Jaran braid is part of reog dance performances. Although this dance originated from Java, Indonesian, this dance is also inherited by the Javanese who settled in North Sumatra and in some areas outside of Indonesian as in Malaysia.  

Lumping horse dance is an art that plays with the properties of artificial horses, made of woven bamboo or braid. None of the historical record to explain the origin of this dance just a verbal history passed down from one generation to the next. 

6. Reog (ponorogo)

Reog is one of the cultural arts from East Java and the north western part Ponorogo Reog regarded as the hometown of the real. Roxburgh town gate was decorated by the figure Warok and Gemblak, two figures who have appeared at the time reog performed. Reog is one of the local culture in Indonesian is still very strong with things mystical and powerful mysticism.


Still a lot of dance that originated from Indonesian,such as dance Yapong (Betwai), Pendet (Bali, Sekapur Sireh (Jambi), Serampang Dua Belas (Riau), Zapin (Riau), and many more...

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